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Book By Marion E. Howard Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real that you woke up feeling certain that it must have been a message from above? Have you ever had a sudden insight about something or someone that you were certain came from some sort of divine guidance? How about having a feeling that something was wrong, and a person comes to mind out of the blue, then that person happens to have been in distress? If you have, you may have the gift of prophecy and/or insight.

The study of prophecy is dedicated to understanding how to interpret dreams and other signs to forecast what will happen in the future. Although prophecy is frequently associated with supernatural phenomena, it can also be a useful tool for making current decisions or heeding a warning.

By understanding how to interpret the signs that we see in our dreams, we can gain a greater understanding of the world around us and know better what God’s directives are.

For those of you who don't believe in God’s existence I get it; what one cannot see with their own eyes does not exist for them.

As for me, I've had lifelong experiences with insights, visions, and prophecies from childhood that could only come from another dimension of existence

I invite and encourage you to keep reading with an open mind as I utilize my own experiences to show not only the reality of intuition but also unveil a bigger truth GOD does exist.

As you read on, I'll take you on a voyage through my life, and that journey needs to begin with my childhood. So who am I? I'm Marion Howard; too many, I’m just an ordinary person who lives in an ordinary small city in Ohio. My family nickname is Miyon; and, I’m the third eldest of seven


I grew up living a very humble and modest life as an inner-city kid on the

west side of Cleveland, Ohio. I was raised in a two-parent home, we certainly weren't dirt poor, however, there were occasions when we had to depend on the local church for food assistance.Others in the past have described me as a "swanky small, bashful youngster" who

was extremely thin. I was shy, and I had a lot of trouble developing my own identity within my family. It didn't help being exposed to very strict rules and punishments as it left me introverted and timid.

I’m the third oldest of seven children and, together with my older sister Tracy, I was in charge of most of the tasks around the house which included looking after our 4 younger siblings. A sister 4 years younger, another 8 years younger as well my twin brothers who were 10 years younger.

To give you an idea of what it was like growing up in our family, mom was a stay-at-home mom; while dad went to work every day.

My mother was more like a drill sergeant who was constantly irritated and angry shouting at us kids for one reason or another. Chapter 1- A Hiding A Truth

As difficult as it is to write about my childhood experiences and read them out loud to myself, it is my reality and one I had to face......

Chapter 2 - Experiences: Dreams, Visions, Insights, Prophesy Experience, We seldom use this word, It's mostly utilized while applying for a job. They inquire about your experience to determine whether you're qualified for the position, and if you don't have relevant experience, they may accept life experiences. These pretenses won't make you as useful to a firm as someone with experience.

The word is also used when we relate a comparable event to another person. Each of us has engaged in at least one discussion where someone has shared an experience.

Like when you tell a buddy a tale about something that occurred to you, and they respond and say, "Oh my gosh, so did I," then they relate their experience with you. Everyone has had both good and bad things happen to them in their lives. When we talk about our life experiences, it helps us connect with other people and makes them feel like they're not alone.

People feel connected when they talk about their lives. It brings people together and gives them a sense of belonging. It can also show that you are qualified for a certain job. In the pages to follow, I will share many of my experiences with insights, dreams, and prophecies in the hopes that you will have one of those "ah ha" moments or at the very least an "Oh, my gosh, so did I" moment. Let's go! Chapter 5: MEETING OF THE FATHER & JESUS CHRIST John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. In the summer of 1996, at the age of 29, I had now been married for almost 4 years and was raising our four children: my two sons and my spouse's two daughters, who were at this time the same ages as my boys, 9 and 6. I had what I believed was a near-death experience.

I was under the care of a physician and dealing with a lot of heart palpitations when I had an erratic episode that led to the following life-altering experience. The event as written in 1996:

Summer of 1996: I was painting a mural in my stepdaughter's bedroom when I suddenly felt somewhat dizzy and lightheaded. Note: At this time in my life, I suffered from heart palpitations and was under a doctor's supervision.

I was wearing a heart monitor called the "King of Hearts" to catch my heart's activity due to suffering from skipped beats and arrhythmias. I awoke just like any other day and felt pretty OK, so I decided to get out the craft paints and work on the mural of flowers my stepdaughters chose for their room design.

About an hour or so in, I started to get lightheaded and felt very dizzy. I thought if I rested for a bit, it would subside, so I sat on the edge of the bed for a moment; however, the dizziness worsened.

I don't know if I passed out or not; however, I became so dizzy that my head felt as though it was asleep, like when your hand or foot falls asleep. It then turned into this extreme dizziness, and I felt like I was going to pass out; the room became darker and darker, like tunnel vision.

The next thing I remembered was walking through what seemed to be an enchanting forest; it was quiet and very beautiful. The trees were extremely tall, and the land was incredibly perfect.

I could see myself walking. The view was as if I were a person walking in front of me, whereas I could just see the back of their body. I walked for a short time as I marveled at the beauty of this beautiful tall forest; the trees were as tall and wide as sequoia trees. They seemed as high as the sky would reach. I had never seen trees that wide or tall.

I then came upon a huge, beautiful tree trunk that looked like a branch; its width was extremely wide, as though one of the huge trees was lying on the ground: I had no choice but to step up and walk on top of it.

The branch took me to a much bigger branch that was tied together like a pathway. I knew I was supposed to take that path. As I was walking and marveling at the beauty of this forest, I could faintly hear some voices; they became louder and louder. I instinctively knew to follow the sound.

As I stepped off the branches onto the ground (I was still in this amazing forest), many people greeted me, shouting......

To be continued :

Book Release Late 2023 "FIRST YOU MUST BE CLEANSED" If you have an interest in assisting in this project please email me at:

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